Monday, May 29, 2006

Power of NOW: Caught in this mad race, where do I have the time to view things as they are? I keep labeling things and have my own perceptions on everything that I come across. A victim of my own mind, I am caught in duality, Good – Bad , Beautiful – Ugly, Rich – Poor and many more. Oh Lord!, let me break free, relieve me from this illusion. Let me view things as they are. Let me view a flower without labeling it good or bad, let me talk to a person and not judge him. Let me experience the power of NOW and let me understand that my perceptions of the future and my worries of the past all arise only from the NOW. As Kalidasa said,

“For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope”

Such is the salutation to the dawn...