Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Economic growth or Environment protection
Professional success or Spiritual growth
Money or Happiness
Good or Bad
Right or Wrong
This or That

Where lies the option, given the fixity of the cause the effect manifests. The current moment is what it is; it cannot be wished away nor can it be wished otherwise. The courage lies in viewing what is as it is and not as what we want it to be. It’s a complete disgrace to human intelligence because we fail to face reality and rather than accepting it we go on fighting with it like a coward and say life doesn’t treat me fair.

I just get reminded of JK's works..There is no path that leads you to Truth.. and reality is found between the spaces of thoughts.. Only if we could revisit all our assumptions, perceptions, conditionings our belief system would collapse and the truth would be revealed.. coz truth has never gone out for a stroll it was just there, we are the only species which keep proclaiming that "Truth will finally prevail" and "Dharma will always win" as if there is a Demand supply problem. We have been so much caught up in the minds game that we go on condemning, justifying, and fighting what we perceive from our limited knowledge as right.. and we are proud of it.. Thanks to our schools, teachers, parents and society, we know very little of what truth is and make all kinds of noise, just to prove that we exist and we "know" something...

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